Akemi - fursona

"What is broken can always be fixed,
what is fixed will always be broken."

Basic info:

Name: Akemi
Name meaning: bright beauty
Nicknames: Oracle, Little Psychopath, Stray

Gender: Female
Age: Unknown but as a human she looks like a girl in her twenties
Birthday: 4 September (set by Einarr)
Species: Shapeshifter, usually a hybrid but can change into human

Occupation: -
Sexuality: Demisexual heteroromantic

~ Einarr (romance)
~ Heresy's Maeva 

~ her creator, God Atta

Special abilities:

Akemi can fly and shapeshift into her human shell.
She's kind of immortal - even when her god abandoned her his magic still heals her injuries and makes her feel no pain at all. But, when hurt badly, she can black out and healing would take a lot of time. Also she can be killed, it would take some time but it's possible.
She can read minds, transfer her thoughts to other's minds and block her own mind. In short, she can use telepathy.
Her greatest ability on island was her knowledge... she can use natural medicine for example, she's a really good fighter (even in her human form, she was practicing a lot).

Drawn by GiveMeYourPaw (dA).


She's a really complicated character.
In the past, before she snapped, Akemi was nice to others but she could be angry when someone was annoying her. She loved to help others and cared about them a lot - it was her destiny. She was really clever and understanding... just what her gods wanted her to be.
But now, abandoned by her god, she's a little of tsundere. She love to make other suffer for that she must bear in the past (Einarr, after some time, become an exception).
She can rarely show positive emotions and have a lot of troubles with recognizing them. Making her smile is a hard work, she rarely smile because of happiness. You will know many of sarcastic and ironic smiles, cruel smiles... but not happy ones.
She do not understand human's word a bit... so she can act a little strange when it comes to interaction. She wasn't taught how to behave with humans.
She's afraid of letting anyone know her, she's afraid about trusting anyone... she can be really sarcastic. Akemi is clever but, when nothing is familliar to her, she's a bit lost.
But, she can be nice when needed. When she was all alone on this big scary world she might had a very problematic attitude but Einarr helped her with it. He's the only person she let near her and let him stay.

Sometimes she's some kind of kleptomaniac. Especially when it comes to hats. If she's around you and you lost something pay more attention to her.
Also, when she began to discover human's world, she started to like listening to music.


~ sweets
~ music
~ hats
~ other's property
~ blood
~ sharp things like katanas, swords, knifes...
~ silence
~ flying
~ animals
~ naps


~ Atta
~ humans in general
~ boredom
~ showing her weak side
~ crowded places
~ being misunderstood
~ needing help from others
~ attention seekers


Her story is long... some time ago, on the ocean, the Forgotten Island was created by gods - Liuva the cat and Atta the wolf. Noone beside them knew about it and it was impossible to find by humans... they did it because of destruction which humans could cause. They wanted felines and canines to live in peace and cooperation.
And here we have Akemi. She was created by Atta as a whole being. She knew everything about this island and could talk with gods. She was an Oracle... that's what other animals called her. She was protecting this island, helping it's residents, healing and teaching them, giving advice... she was created just for that.
She developed a crush on Atta which caused some troubles in communication between those two.
Some peaceful time passed and an conflict broke between animals. Tricky Claw, the wolf, was accusing a cat, Flaming Paw, about killing his brother, Silver Fang. Akemi judged that conflict and thought it would be alright to leave them alone... but she was wrong. This situation divided animals into three groups - felines, canines and mix of both. First two were fighting in a war against each other and third group was hiding because they wanted their old, peaceful, lives.
Akemi was helping in this third group. She done this because Atta told her to... but, after the war was over, the division remained. Akemi, who was used to peaceful life, has a hard time trying to be fair, without favoritism anyone... and that was the time when she snapped.
She was looking for help from her gods, from Atta... he was telling her that she needs to be strong and she will be rewarded but, in the end, she got nothing.... in the end, she was alone. Residents of Forgotten Island hated her, gods were not answering her desperate calls... that was the time when she decided to fly away.
On the beach Atta showed before her. She wanted to hear something nice, something that would make her stay here but... again, she got nothing. Atta just gave her the strength to make it to the land and human form. Nothing more. And told her: "Fly, my beautiful. When you will need me, I will come."

And this is how she ended up in human's world. With no informations about it, without everything.
She was abandoned by her god - maybe she was still immortal because of him but he hasn't come when she was screaming for his help.

This world abandoned her.
Her god abandoned her.
This world forced her to live alone.

She was just broken.
She didn't feel pain or anything else.
She was seeing nothing.

Akemi is left alone.
Alone in the darkness.

Humans calls her gross. Disgusting. Monster.

She would love to never wake up but Atta's magic won't let her... why?

Drawn by Hainekami (dA).

Appaerance as a hybrid:

Height: She's taller than normal wolf. It's something about 130 cm in shoulder height. When she is sitting she have 160 cm from ears to paws.
Weight: Something about 90 kg. She's really slim.
Length: Almost 2 m with tail.
Tail: It's almost 1/2 of her body length. It has 90 cm.
Wings: Wingspan is 350 cm.

She is a hybrid with wings. She has black long hair and dragon spines (she can hide them if she want to) on her back. Her fur is white, with red and black markings. Also she has red nose. She used to have kanji (音楽 - "music") written on the left side of her body but she stopped doing that..


Appaerance as a human:

Height: 164 cm
Weight: 60 kg

She looks like a normal young white female. She have long, black hair with fringe covering her right eye but she can change her hairstyle if she want to.

Her clothes:
Jeans with chain on their left side, sport shoes/no shoes (as an anthro). Gray (2 colors), short sleeved hoodie. Blouse - long sleeved or 3/4 sleeve.
She can wear black skirt (pleated, with the same chain) with the same hoodie but sleeveless t-shirt (top...?). With skirt she can wear black legwarmers and gray leggings.
She like to wear belts. And when it's cold outside she will wear black parka with tan fur.

Drawn by GiveMeYourPaw (dA).


She can have brown or red eyes. Red ones appeares often when she's emotional but she can change when she want.

On her both forms she always is wearing her bracelets (it's just a black thong with red beads). She have 3 of them on left arm/paw, 1 with beads and 2 without them on right arm/paw.

Sometimes she wears headphones and mp4.

As a human she used to have a black smartphoneand flickblade - brown Spyderco Centofante 4.


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