
"I was a little troublemaker.
Always trying to get in trouble, always mischief,
like throwing rocks at cars when I was younger, all that kind of stuff."

Basic info:

Name: Akar
Name meaning: the one who troubles
Nicknames: -

Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Species: Cat

Occupation: -
Sexuality: probably asexual



Special abilities:

Magic. He can do everyhing he wants with his magic.
Ilusions, healing, shielding himself or attacking his foes.
But he uses his magics for pranks mainly.

Drawn by Kio-Barbra (dA).


Mischievious and always plotting pranks.
You must watch his steps when you're near him or the next thing you know is that everyone are laughing at you. He can be really cruel with his pranks, he know no boundaries.
He's not purely evil, he is doing this for everyone's amusement... but I think he mainly want to make himself laugh.


~ pranks
~ funny things
~ various activities
~ halloween
~ april fool's


~ christmas
~ killjoys
~ boredom
~ rules
~ frogs


None at the moment.

Drawn by Hainekami (dA).


Height: 30 cm
Weight: 5 kg
Length: 140 cm
Tail: 40 cm

He has a long neck and body - like a Munchkin - but a standard cat legs.

Akar, when you look at him, looks strange because of his proportions. beside that he is a regular black cat with white "markings" - socks on paws, belly, muzzle and insides of his ears.

But everything changes when he wants to use his magic. When he's doing so green glowing nordic runes appeares on his body. Markings on his head always stays the same (al least those around eyes) but the rest of runes like to appear in random order.

Akar have black nose and green eyes - this is a color of his runes as well.


Sometimes he is wearing his armor but I haven't decided on the design yet.


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