Ketsurui and Nightmare

"Pain is temporary.
It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year,
but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.
If you quit, however, it lasts forever."

Basic info:

Name: Ketsurui
Name meaning: bloody tear
Nicknames: Ketsu

Gender: Female
Age: 30 moons
Birthday: Unknown
Species: Furry Dragon

Occupation: Sorcerer
Sexuality: heterosexual



Special abilities:

Ketsu, as a dragon, could breathe ice.

Also she is really skillfull with magic. She's a master of illusions, attacking and defending herself with magic is no big deal.

When talking about magic, she is able to make a mental connection with other creatures and talk with them this way.

She also have 'fury'. When she will be dragged into a fight she could go berserk, her eyes glowing red.

Drawn by Bunneh<3 (CS).


She is wary of strangers. She's really sensitive and shy. Calm and peaceful. She never attacks first.
She would be able to kill herself for her friends.
Really tolerant and accepting, when someone needed her help she was more than happy to help. She is clever and perceptive.
Always suffering alone, she doesn;t want to show her weak side to others.
Proud and steadfast. She won't allow you to mess with her and she rarely gives up, fighting to the end.


~ flying
~ magic
~ illusions
~ knowledge
~ learning
~helping others
~ Nightmare


~ water
~ rude creatures
~ fights
~ making new friends


To lazy to translate at the moment, sorry.

Drawn by SylverFox (dA).


Height: 2 m
Weight: 150 kg
Length: 2,5 m
Tail: 1 m

Black creature with white and red markings. She have wings like normal dragon, but with feathers.

She's really slim for a dragon so she don't weigh a lot. Also, her bones are empty inside so she can fly with ease.


Only one extra thing she have is a necklace.

It's something like ruby, but if you look closer, you will see some details. Inside it's liquid, have one color but a few density. It's suspended on black thong.


Age: 8 moons
Species: Shadow

Appearance: Nightmare, like any other shadow, is just a smoke wafting in the air. Mist, which is not dispelled under the influence of the strongest wind. He has a piych-black color, something between black and gray but closer to the black.

Personality: Like Ketsu, he is really wary of strangers and prefer to keep close to his owner. He's fairly balanced and won't attack anything on spot. This is showing his intelligence. He's not mindless creature attacing everything that moves. Usually he is willing to cooperate but it won;t last forever. As any other companion he can be rebellious and show his imaginary claws.

Food: the flesh of other creatures

To tame him Ketsurui needed to make stable mental connection with his mind. They can share thoughts and emotions.


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